
Showing posts from March, 2018

Not All Safe Spaces Are Good for You

This week I read chapter seven of Steal Like an Artist by Autstin Kleon. The chapter is titled, Build Your Own World . In this chapter Kleon talks about how creative people can stay creative getting out of their safety zones. He encourages the reader to travel and to meet new creative people, while trying new food of course. Kleon believes putting yourself in new situations to help your brain work harder and therefore he believes that creativity will spawn from those new experiences. Fortunately for the financially impaired, traveling to distance lands is not always required due to the internet. The internet can be a gateway to meeting new people and sharing ideas without necessarily leaving your hometown. I agree with Kleon. This chapter reminded me that I need to break out of my routines and try new things. His words helped me to reflect on my own life and perhaps ways I could experience new places, people and things. And I took encouragement that I don't have to go very far ...


Sharing is one of our primal behaviors. Among primates sharing must be taught by example and correction. Even before we ago to school our parents are teaching us how to share. They teach us why we should share.When to share. What to share. Where to share. Sharing is the politeness. Sharing is survival. This week I review chapter six of  Steal Like an Artist by   Austin Kleon. The title of the chapter is "The Secret: Do Good Work and Share it With People." Right off the bat Kleon poses the question, "how do I get discovered?" Well it's not that easy. And Kleon likes to point out that college environments are artificial. In other words, everybody is paying or being paid to be there, so college does not accurately portray what the real world will be like after graduation. Unfortunately, the artificial candy land cannot last forever. Kleon offers a solution. He suggests we should promote ourselves. We should share our work, good or bad, and the process tha...
Chapter 5, Practice Productive Procrastination, Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon. My telescope. I can see the rings of Saturn. One of my remodeling projects. I repaired/painted the floor. Painted the walls, and windows. Design: Jessica Hische This week Kleon encourages us to do nothing productively. He likes to call it “practicing productive procrastination.” He says our passions are a part of us and it is okay to have many of them all at once. You could call them hobbies. Kleon says hobbies are good. He said hobbies shouldn’t be money makers. You only do it for yourself. On the other hand, Jessica Hische suggests people should do the work while one procrastinates is the work they should do as a career. And it can be re-energizing. Let’s be real. I’m in college and I don’t have a lot of time to do nothing, so that means I don’t have any side projects now. I need one. I’d like to have one right now. I have some planned for spring and summer break. The b...