Live Long and Prosper

This week, ladies and gentlemen, I read the next chapter in Austin Kleon's book called Steal Like an Artist. Chapter 9's is called Be Boring (It's the Only Way to Get Work Done.) And he's right.

In this chapter, Kleon talks about basic life management skills. The skills that everyone should have and follow to live a long and happy life. It might sound boring, but in reality it's the wise thing to do. Something Hunter S. Thompson never did and look what happened to him.

Kleon dispels the myth about an artist's life. He suggests that we should not follow in the foot steps of people like Jean Michel Basquiat, Kurt Cobain or Amy Winehouse. Instead, we should be smart about life choices we make with our bodies, finances, work, time and marriage. And I agree with with him 100%.

I want to live a long life. There is too much to live for, and if that means I have to eat right, exercise and see my doctor every year, it's worth it. I hate being sick. If you think about it, just staying healthy can help meet all of the other basic life management skills. Drinking and drugs takes your health, your money and destroys relationships. If you can stay healthy, the rest should be a piece of cake.

Time management is very important too. Making sure you are not wasting time is a skill, and Kleon talks about this when he suggests we should have a means of tracking time, both future and past. The calendar idea is useful. I use a daily reminder schedule book, but I don't keep a daily log book. I did in my former professional life. We called them contact notes or progress notes. Looking back on them is very interesting.

There are so many stories that I would have forgotten if I did not record them, so I can see the importance of having a journal. I don't have one now, but I should start again. I am not sure how a journal or log could make me more creative. Maybe by recording interesting events or interactions I have, then I might save ideas that would be useful in the future.

Check out this video about a woman buying diaries on eBay.

Overall, this week's chapter just reinforced a lot of beliefs I already had. I can say from observation and from personal experience everything Kleon wrote about in chapter 9 can and has happened. If talking about this topic can help dispel the myth of an artist's life, then I am all for it. Don't be like Corbain. He could still be making beautiful music. But he's not. So think about that.

There is nothing wrong with being boring. Boring is cool. Boring can be fulfilling. So, find a life partner, save your money and take care of your body. Live a lone and prosperous life.


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