Creating Analog

My personal reflections on: Steal Like an Artist  by Austin Kleon, Chapter 4.

I wrote a poem to summarize Chapter 4.

Making things by hand
lifts the spirit
and makes you feel good.
Computers restrict
with your work.
Analog work
imbues a part of you
in to your design.
The act of making
starts creative thinking
in the brain.
Analog work
engages most of the human senses.
Smell, sight, sound and touch
are important human traits to use during the making process.*
Analog work
generates better ideas than digital work.
Computers are good for
editing and publishing ideas.
Find a balance
between the analog and digital worlds.
Each one has unique benefits.

* (Please don't taste your work, unless it is edible.)

Analog tools.

Started drawing a skull.

Getting the basic shapes down.

Added scary.

Then I turned the skull in to this.


Added emotion.

Drop Cap Letter A
Drop Cap Letter A - Inverted

That was fun. See you all next week.



  1. Love your Blog and the fact that you are following your dreams!



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